STACK'D Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Pancakes
- Sold By: Stack'd Nutrition
- Categories Healthy Kitchen
- Type: Protein Pancakes
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Stack'd Protein Pancakes
Peanut Butter Chocolate
25g Protein | No artificial ingredients
STACK'D Nutrition cares about what goes into our products. Unlike most pancake mixes, STACK'D Protein Pancakes contain NO processed and refined grains, NO artificial flavors or preservatives and NO artificial sugars. They are made with the highest quality ingredients and contain 25 grams of protein per serving! You'll love the real pancake taste so get STACK'D and Eat Strong!
** Nutrition Facts vary slightly by flavor **

100% ORGANIC ALMOND FLOUR (Buttermilk, Natural Lemon, Pumpkin Spice, Cinnamon Roll and Peppermint Mocha)
STACK’D Protein Pancakes contain almond flour which is, low in carbohydrates, high in fiber and a great source of protein. Almond flour is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, arginine, calcium and Vitamin E. (No wonder why almond flour is so expensive !) Increasing your daily intake of protein is important for a strong immune system and healthy cell growth. Almond flour can enrich your diet with polyunsaturated fats (healthy fats), which provide omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain cell growth, protecting the heart and lowering cholesterol.
STACK’D Protein Pancakes contain an ultra pure 100% Micellar Casein Protein with zero additives, which provide an astonishing 90% protein yield. This means that you get complete proteins with each serving of STACK’D Protein Pancakes. You also you get the added bonus of a slow-release protein which is perfect for pre or post-workout to keep your muscles saturated with protein. The slow-release protein, along with low glycemic carbohydrates, prevent muscle catabolism and muscle tissue breakdown which takes place when there is an insufficient amount of amino acids in your blood stream from digested proteins. In order to effectively increase or maintain muscle, you must prevent this from taking place.
Because Casein Protein can inhibit whole body protein breakdown, many consider it to be the ultimate protein due to its more gradual release of Amino Acids. This gradual release allows the body to fully absorb the protein, creating an extremely high net protein utilization score. The use of Casein makes STACK’D Protein Pancakes a superior choice as part of a healthy diet and exercise program.
No Refined Sugars, Sugar Substitutes, Artificial Sweeteners or Flavoring
Artificial Sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (Equal) and saccharin (Sweet’N Low) are chemical sweeteners. Products such as Stevia, also touted as “natural,” are also processed and refined before being sold to the public. For most people, Artificial Sweeteners tend to have an undesirable chemical after-taste. STACK’D Protein Pancakes do NOT contain ANY Artificial Sweeteners, flavorings or sugar substitutes.
Refined sugars like those found in candy, soda, baked goods and most pancake mixes are simple carbohydrates derived from processed sugar cane. They simply supply calories with no nutritional benefit. The processing strips away any fiber, vitamins, minerals and nutrients belonging to the plant and leaves a product that is almost 100% sucrose. STACK’D Protein Pancakes do NOT contain ANY refined or fake sugars. STACK'D uses organic coconut sugar (KokoNut) or real organic maple sugar to add a touch of sweetness. You can always add your own additional "sweet touch" by adding syrup, yogurt, fruit or your favorite sweetener

STACK'D Nutrition, LLC was founded by Gary Kassabian and his wife Lisa. After trying several store bought pancake mixes and homemade recipes, it was no surprise to learn that they were all high in calories, contained processed carbs, artificial flavors and artificial sugars - things you prefer not to eat. Conventional pancakes have little to no protein, and are full of unhealthy processed carbs - which does not fit into a diet and exercise program to stay lean, gain or maintain muscle. And let's face it - eating dozens of egg whites, gallons of protein shakes and buckets of oat meal every morning can get quite boring. And who doesn't love pancakes ?
Making protein pancakes from scratch is an inconvenience, and simply adding protein powder to a pancake mix with "bananas and egg whites" is NOT a Protein Pancake. For those of you who have tried it, you know the results can be compared to eating a wet dish sponge or a piece of recycled cardboard. The infamous "protein aftertaste" can only be masked with loads of butter and gallons of syrup - which defeats the purpose of eating healthy. The solution? Stop eating pancakes or add them to the short list of "cheat meal" items. Or...
Develop a convenient and easy to make pancake mix that is 25 grams of protein, low in calories, made with 100% organic ingredients, NO artificial ingredients, contain healthy whole grain carbs, and most importantly tastes great. After taking the highest quality, natural and organic ingredients to the kitchen, and hundreds of failed attempts and taste tests - the "perfect pancake" was developed and STACK'D Nutrition was born.
Now you can take pancakes off the "cheat meal list," add it to your regular diet and "GET STACK'D!"
We hope you enjoy STACK'D Protein Pancakes and our other STACK'D Nutrition products. As always, we welcome your comments, personal recipes and feedback!
Gary and Lisa Kassabian
Owners and Founders of STACK'D Nutrition, LLC
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